Welcome to National City Middle School!
School News
Community Schools Survey
We need your help in becoming a Community School.
Why Become A Community School?
-NCM would receive approximately 1.9 million dollarsthrough 5 years to build our “dream school”
-It would allow us to respond to communityand family needs. Please fillout the following survey to
help us plan.
Necesitamos su ayuda en tratar de hacernos una Escuela Comunitaria
Porque hacernos una escuela comunitaria?
-NCM recibiria aproximademente 1.9 millones de dolares durante 5 anos para construir la “escuela de nuestros suenos”
-Nos permitiria dar respuesta a las necesidades comunitarias y familiares
Congratulations First Semester Honor Roll Students
Honor Roll students will be recognized with an award ceremony in the auditorium. We’ll have two ceremonies, 7th grade- Weds., Jan. 29, 2025 and 8th grade- Thurs., Jan 30, 2024. Both ceremonies will begin promptly at 8:10am with doors opening at 8am. Congratulations Kingsmen families!

A Message From Our School Nurse Mrs.Mclean
We are in the thick of cold and flu season. The best defense is a good offense: keep up with flu and covid vaccines, get plenty of rest, hydrate well, and eat nutritious food. Kids can be at school with cold symptoms such as a cough, headache, sore throat unless they have a fever of 100.4 or higher in which case they should stay home until the morning they no longer have a fever.
We are working to keep kids focused on school. Please instruct your kids that if they feel unwell, to ask their teacher for a pass to the health office. If I think your child needs to go home from school early, I will contact you. If you hear from your student directly, they probably have not seen me for an assessment. Of course, you always have the right to pick up your child.
The health office is currently out of the over the counter medications (ibuprofen and acetaminophen), and hope to receive more stock in early 2025. As a reminder, when they are back in stock, we are able to offer pain medication 2 times per school year. If more is needed, an order from a healthcare provider is needed along with the student’s own bottle of medication.
Should your student be in pain from muscle strain or menstrual cramps, consider medicating them for pain before the school day as directed on the medication.
Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. Email is best because I am tending to students and can’t always answer the phone nor talk for long, email is best: Margaret.mclean@sweetwaterschools.org.